Many of you who have followed the evolution of this variational inference discussion (over the past ten blogposts), may be wondering where to start. This would be particularly true for readers who are not necessarily familiar with the variational-anything literature, and would like to begin with the easiest, most intuitive-explanatory articles possible, and then gently… Continue reading Variational Free Energy: Getting-Started Guide and Resource Compendium
Tag: Mattias Bal
Kullback-Leibler, Etc. – Part 3 of 3: The Annotated Resources List
I thought it would be (relatively) straightforward to wrap this up. Over the past several posts in this series, we’ve discussed the Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence and free energy. In particular, we’ve described free energy as the “universal solvent” for artificial intelligence and machine learning methods. This next (and last) post in this series was intended… Continue reading Kullback-Leibler, Etc. – Part 3 of 3: The Annotated Resources List