Latent Variables in Neural Networks and Machine Learning

Latent variables are one of the most important concepts in both energy-based neural networks (the restricted Boltzmann machine and everything that descends from it), as well as key natural language processing (NLP) algorithms such as LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation), all forms of transformers, and machine learning methods such as variational inference. The notion of finding… Continue reading Latent Variables in Neural Networks and Machine Learning

Key Features for a New Class of Neural Networks

A new class of neural networks will use a laterally-connected neuron layer (hidden or “latent” nodes) to enable three new kinds of temporal behavior:  Memory persistence (“Holding that thought”) – neural clusters with variable slow activation degradation, allowing persistent activation after stimulus presentation, Learned temporal associations (“That reminds me …”) – neural clusters with slowly… Continue reading Key Features for a New Class of Neural Networks

Conversation: Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, Testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee

On Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law. Testifying along with Mr. Altman were Christina Montgomery, Vice President and Chief Privacy& Trust Officer for IBM, and Gary Marcus, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus from New , a well-known professor and frequent critic of… Continue reading Conversation: Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, Testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee

Equations Underlying AGI

With the advent of powerful large language models, or LLMs, many are asking if real AGI (artificial general intelligence) is on the horizon. In order to create AGI, we need equations that are more powerful – and more comprehensive than those being used now in LLMs. Current LLMs use encoder/decoder algorithms, which are based on… Continue reading Equations Underlying AGI

Mai Tai Thursdays #2: Pineapple, Grapefruit, and Rum

Our recipe for Mai Tai Thursday #2 involves pineapple, grapefruit, lime, a (demerara) simple syrup, and locally-produced Kolua rum. Our recipe is for “Pomelo” … from Hawaiian Tropical Cocktails, available from Amazon.

AI Education Fundamentals: Einstein, Yoda, and You

After developing his special relativity theory, Einstein needed to take a break from developing his general relativity theory – to go study tensor mathematics! We talked about this in a YouTube #short. We have a bit more depth here, in this full-length YouTube. Similarly, after Luke Skywalker had learned to use the Force, and had… Continue reading AI Education Fundamentals: Einstein, Yoda, and You

What It’s Like – Getting Very Close to the Edge (New Scientific Breakthrough) Part 1 (of Several)

Well, the best thing that I’ve got going for me right now is that the offerings on Netflix are so d*** boring that doing research is MUCH more interesting. I’ve read and re-read all my light, fun reading around the house … about three to four times each, over these past two years. My fave… Continue reading What It’s Like – Getting Very Close to the Edge (New Scientific Breakthrough) Part 1 (of Several)