New Neural Networks Class: Framework

We can now construct a framework for a new neural networks class.

In this blogpost (still in progress), and in the accompanying YouTube (SEE BELOW), we are not yet presenting the new neural networks class itself. Instead, we assemble the various elements that identify where this class will emerge (in the context of major neural networks classes) and how it differentiates from prior work.

Maren, Alianna J. 2023. “The Matrix: Framework for a New Class of Neural Networks.” Themesis YouTube Channel (June 22, 2023). (Accessed June 22, 2023, available online at

The primary new work presented in this YouTube is “The Matrix,” which correlates key features or concepts with specific various NN/AI/ML methods. Figure 1 presents our final result.

Figure 1. “The Matrix” – a cross-correlation of essential concepts found in various NN/AI/ML methods with specific instances of those methods.

Live free or die,” my friend!*

* “Live free or die. Death is not the worst of evils.” – attrib. to U.S. Revolutionary War General John Starck.

Alianna J. Maren, Ph.D.

Founder and Chief Scientist

Themesis, Inc.

Resources and References

Hidden Nodes in Neural Networks

AJM’s Note: This is the Gorman and Sejnowski (1988) paper referenced in the YouTube.

Avalanches in Neural Systems

AJM’s Note: This is a good, recent experimental study.

  • Heiney, Kristine, Ola Huse Ramstad, Vegard Fiskum, Axel Sandvig, Ioanna Sandvig, and Stefano Nichele. 2022. “Neuronal Avalanche Dynamics and Functional Connectivity Elucidate Information Propagation in vitro.” Front. Neural Circuits 16 (15 September 2022). doi:10.3389/fncir.2022.090631. (Accessed June 21, 2023; available online at

AJM’s Note: A little older, still very good.

  • Tagliazucchi, Enzo, Pablo Balenzuela, Daniel Fraiman, and Dante R. Chialvo. 2012. “Criticality in Large-Scale Brain fMRI Dynamics Unveiled by a Novel Point Process Analysis.” Front. Physiol. 3 (08 February 2012) Sec. Fractal Physiology. (Accessed June 21, 2023; available online at

Avalanches in Physical Systems

AJM’s Note: This very nice technical blogpost by James Sethna (one of my favorite authors) includes a lovely dynamic depiction of avalanches in a 3-D system. Fun watching!

AJM’s Note: A full-scale article on the same, with Sethna as the last author.

  • Kuntz, Matthew C., Olga Perkovic, Karin A. Dahmen, Bruce W. Roberts, and James P. Sethna. 1998. “Hysteresis, Avalanches, and Noise: Numerical Methods.” arXiv:cond-mat/9809122v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] (23 April 1998). doi:10.48550/arxiv.cond-mat/9809122v2. (Accessed June 21, 2023; available online at

AJM’s Note: This article describes avalanches and hysteresis as part of a first-order phase transition in a model of a neural system. Abstract only here.

  • Scarpetta, Silvia, Ilenia Apicella, Ludovico Minati, and Antonio de Candia. 2018. “Hysteresis, Neural Avalanches, and Critical Behavior Near a First-Order Transition of a Spiking Neural Network.” Phys. Rev. E. 97(6-1):062305 (June 2018). PMID: 30011436. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.062305. (Accessed June 21, 2023; Abstract available online at

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