If you’ve been frustrated in trying to teach yourself the energy-based AI methods, or read a classic (and very important AI paper – such as Salakhutdinov and Hinton (2012)), then it is NOT because you’re not smart enough.
It’s like trying to work your way through the Sierra Nevada mountains – on foot. Alone. Without a guide.
Sign up for the three-week Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics with the Themesis Academy hosted by Thinkific:
NOTE: We’ve had all sorts of weirdness when we use this link to go to the Themesis Academy site at Thinkific. If the link doesn’t work for you, just open a new browser window and enter “themesis.thinkific.com” – should work just fine!
Most people – UNLESS they have a guide – will fail miserably.
Most people die (metaphorically, but the career-effect is real) in the “blizzard white out of the AI Donner Pass.”

And feel horrible about themselves.
It’s just that you need the right prep – you need to get through the Donner Pass of AI – in order to get far enough along that you can make it to the AI “Gold Coast.”

Get Your Breakthrough in Understanding REAL AI!
The essential starting place: The Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics.
This is a three-week intensive-yet-gentle statistical mechanics (“stat mech”) intro – emphasis on the concepts, BIG EMPHASIS on how the concepts mesh with Bayesian logic and the Kullback Leibler divergence (see our Bonus Sections in the course).
At the end of this course, you will be able to read the Intro to the classic energy-based neural network paper by Salakhutdinov and Hinton (2012). This is the one where they describe how deep learning methods work, and it kicked off the AI revolution in deep learning.
Most people can’t get through this paper on their own, because the Intro alone uses concepts and terms that are so unfamiliar that they can’t pick up enough just with Wikipedia and Google searches.
What is REALLY needed is the statistical mechanics concepts AND a weekly “pull it together” section where we help you make sense of it all.

IF YOU’VE ALREADY JOINED the Themesis community, and just want to enroll in the course: GO HERE to LEARN MORE about the Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics.
Sign up for the three-week Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics with the Themesis Academy hosted by Thinkific:
NOTE: We’ve had all sorts of weirdness when we use this link to go to the Themesis Academy site at Thinkific. If the link doesn’t work for you, just open a new browser window and enter “themesis.thinkific.com” – should work just fine!
Joining the Themesis Community
Taking the Themesis “Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics” three-week short course will get you through and beyond the Donner Pass of AI.
THAT is our guarantee to you.
Take the course, do the work, if you’re not happy, we refund your full cost.
HOWEVER – this is a big, important, HOWEVER …
Taking the short course is like joining a wagon train making its way across the Oregon Trail to the AI “Gold Coast” in California.
You don’t just want to show up like a masked stranger.
This is a community experience.
You benefit from interactions with others as well as going through the short course itself.
So your first step, your VERY first step – if you haven’t Opted-In already – is to join the Themesis Community.
IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE THIS ALREADY: Go to the Themesis “About” page.

On this page, scroll down a bit and find the Opt-In form.
Opt-In. (Be sure to find the “confirmation” email and confirm.)
Then, THIS IS IMPORTANT!, move the “Thank You” email to your preferred or “Primary” folder!

We’ll send out invitations to those of you who’ve opted in first – with the BEST prices – so be sure that you move the Themesis emails to your “preferred” or “Primary” email folder!
If You’ve Already Opted-In – and Now Want the Course
If you’re already a part of the Themesis community, you should have received an email (maybe several) about this course.
But … if you were just getting to our website, finding this Courses page, and working your way down … the next step is to GO HERE to LEARN ABOUT the Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics.
Sign up for the three-week Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics with the Themesis Academy hosted by Thinkific:
NOTE: We’ve had all sorts of weirdness when we use this link to go to the Themesis Academy site at Thinkific. If the link doesn’t work for you, just open a new browser window and enter “themesis.thinkific.com” – should work just fine!
P.S. – Want to watch the teaser vid? This is why you DON’T have to read Feynman!